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GEYSER filters
for drinking water purification

Official dealer in Bulgaria since 2016. Delivery and installation.
Fill out the form and get a free consultation on water filter selection

Reverse Osmosis Filter
Geyser Prestige 12.7 M

  • Cleaning of all contaminants
  • Mineralization and conditioning
  • Double tap for selecting water with and without mineralization
  • Reverse osmosis membrane with extended service life
  • Complete kit + everything to plug in!
  • Up to 10 years warranty!
206.7 € 245.6 €

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What problems will a water filter solve?

Saves you
energy and health
Фильтры для воды экономят силы
No more carrying heavy water bottles on your person and risking your health all the time
Saves you
Фильтры для воды делают воду доступной
Clean and fresh water will always be at hand in your home
water costs
Фильтры для воды экономят деньги
On average, 1 liter of water from Geyser filter is more than 40 times cheaper than bottled water
Protecting your health from poor quality water
Фильтры для воды хорошо очищают воду
You control the quality of water purification yourself. You do not have to rely on someone else's good faith in this matter.
Protecting nature from
unnecessary plastic
Фильтры для воды снижают количество пластикового мусора
Buying a water filter reduces the amount of plastic waste in nature. You are helping the environment.
Family protection
in emergency situations
Фильтры для воды способны очистить воду от радиоактивных частиц
Our filters will clean water not only from viruses and bacteria, but even from radioactive elements

How to choose a water filter?

To be sure that you need to use a filter for drinking-water, think what harmful substances can get into your organism and organisms of your relatives with a tap water. Even if the water seems clean, it can contain invisible to the eye harmful elements, which accumulate in the body and lead to different medical problems. Here are some of these elements:
  • Iron
    Excess of iron in the organism can influence the blood composition and cause allergic reactions. Besides, iron can accumulate in human organs and muscles.
  • Manganese
    If body contains too much of this element, it can lead to anemia and influence central nervous system badly.
  • Chlorine
    Can cause decrease in immunity, allergy, bronchial asthma, cardiovascular system problems, atherosclerosis and also cancer.
  • Fluorine
    Excess of this element is dangerous to the people and leads to fluorosis. On dental enamel can appear spots, also bone tissue become deformed, tooth attachment apparatus suffers, etc.
  • Bromine
    Too much bromine it drinking-water leads to the problems with central nervous system. Also it can cause bromoderm – enanthesis on skin.

Pitcher filters – represent the most simple and least expensive water treatment option. These filters are small, easy to transport and have fairly large output capacity. You can use this filter to produce filtered water even on camping trips.

Stationary filters – are installed to water pipes in the kitchen. They come in small sizes and can be easily installed under the kitchen sink. These filters are very productive and help to clean water thoroughly

Reverse osmosis systems – use special membranes that remove any harmful admixtures from the water. These systems are effective even with very dirty water.

Nano-membrane filters – function as reverse osmosis filters but unlike the latter the membrane not only helps purify the water, but also retain the natural salts that are beneficial to your health.

About companies "Geizer" and ECO VODA LTD

GEYSER has been manufacturing filters since 1986 and is the leader on Russian market of water filters. The company has R&D department, which includes a research team and lab department with an analysis labs, a design bureau and a modern manufacturing facility making products of thermoplastic and reactoplastic. New partners are attracted by the company’s impeccable reputation, high quality of products, strict adherence to warranty guarantees, flexible payment schedules, and mobility of deliveries.
ECO VODA LTD is the only official dealer in the Republic of Bulgaria
How to order a filter?


Our specialist will answer your questions and help you choose a water filter.


You will receive your order within 1-3 days.

Pure water

We Install a filter and you enjoy pure water
EKO VODA Ltd., UIC: 203872714
Office: Republic of Bulgaria, BURGAS City, Lazur

Contact phone numbers:
+359 87 677 7191


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ECO VODA Water filters in Bulgaria

EKO VODA Ltd., UIC: 203872714
Office: Republic of Bulgaria, BURGAS City, Lazur
phone_icon +359 87 677 7191

email_icon  fpwater.eu@gmail.com

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